"Doing things is less about getting results, competition or being punished and more about activities that feel like play. And beyond that, for me, it is about release."
"Reports of assault following spring break are commonplace, mirroring reports at other secular universities. This issue is not out of sight out of mind; it is happening right here."
"In a year riddled with heartache, fundamentally joyful moments are what draw us back to normalcy, to a renewal of hope that there are beautiful things yet to be seen."
"Waco needs a safe house. And S.H.E. is Freedom needs you. If we want to better our city and help reduce risk for survivors, it is up to the community to help."
"Changing the narrative surrounding fraternities is going to take time, and perhaps will never fully change. But it has to start somewhere, so why not here?"
"While gathering with other people is limited in order to prevent the COVID-19 virus from spreading, we are invited into community with nature. To intentionally notice the environment around us and each twitch of a finches neck, or flap of a crows wings."